Provence Exlusive

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Témoignages/ Feedback


And for more feedback, check my Trip Advisor page for Provence Exclusive Private Tours



If either of you need a reference for what you do, please do not hesitate to use me. I could tell such wonderful stories of how EXCEPTIONAL you both are in what you do!

Thank you both again so very much!

Walt, from North Carolina, USA

March 2013


Hi Laurence

We have been home almost two weeks from our travels in France.

We just wanted to thank you once again for your excellent guiding and company when we did our day tour of Provence with you.

It was an extremely memorable and pleasant day.

Thanks also for the restaurant recommendation. We enjoyed a very good lunch there, along with one of the wines from the winery we went to with you.

Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year – we hope you are still guiding when we return – we still have lots to see!!

Best wishes until then

Julie and Gray, from Australia,

Nov. 2012


Hi Laurence,
I just wanted to get back to thank you for the wonderful tour you gave us in Avignon. If you ever need a recommendation, please let me know. Thanks so much.

Jill, from USA

Oct. 2012



Dear Laurence,

Thank you for sharing Provence with Beth and me the past two days. We are filled with wonderful memories. 

Best wishes to you and your family.

Jim and Beth, from Atlanta, Georgia

Sept 2012



Merci Laurence! Oui ils m’ont dit eux memes qu’ils etaient aux anges…Bravo a vous pour votre professionalisme!

Bien amicalement,

Jean-Francois, Travel agent in San Antonio, Texas

Sept 2012



Laurence--I wanted to thank you for a wonderful job and a wonderful time. Liz and I both enjoyed your company and hopefully we will meet again in the not too distant future.

If you have a link to the art program that would be great. Thanks again. Bob from Chicago, Illinois

Sept 2012



Thank u so much we were just talking abt the perfect experience we will definitely recommend u to anyone that comes touring here.


Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone

from NYC, Aug 2012



They had a great time on their trip and I wanted to share some of their comments with you. They really loved their guide Laurence in Provence (“She was a wealth of history and cultural information and a great companion”) but they were not crazy about the guide in Eze. For the future, please do request Laurence for any clients visiting the Provence area.

US Travel agent to French Travel agent, July 2012



Hi Laurence,

We so much enjoyed touring with you and saw areas we never would have seen on our own.  Thanks so very much for making those days so special.   We thought Menerbe and the Luberon surroundings were so beautiful.  We also enjoyed the olive oil and wine tastings and seeing lovely Eygalieres.  You are so knowledgeable about the details, so we enjoyed learning from you.  Jeff asked if we talked about France’s politics and the new President and that is when I realized Jeff could have brought another dimension to our tour!  Ha!  It was wonderful seeing you again and it just didn’t seem like it had been 5 years ago that we met.

Thanks again for a wonderful few days,

Janice and Francee, June 2012



We had a wonderful day with Laurence as our private guide, exploring the hill towns of the Luberon region of Provence.

Her impeccable English, detailed knowledge and ability to personalize to our interests, blended into a long day that went by in a flash.

Plus, she is a good driver!

Highly recommended!
Glenn and Susan, Los Angeles, California, USA



Hello Laurence,

It was a pleasure to experience Avignon and Les Baux with you.  Thank you so much for your wonderful tours!

We are looking forward to returning to Provence in the future.  We will be sure to notify you to assist with our planning.

I may have misplaced a pair of Gucci sunglasses in your car.  Please let me know if you locate them. 

Thank you so much,

Marianne, USA, Mar 2012



Bonjour Laurence,

Just a quick note to say that the May 26th clients positively loved your tour. They really had only good things to say about it and mentioned you went the extra mile to make it special for them.

As always, thank you so much for taking such good care of my clients. Here's to many more to come !

Kind Regards,

Nichole, travel agent in the UK, June 2011



Hi Laurence,

First, want to pass on to you that we've received great compliments about you from the group.  They all greatly enjoyed their time with you! 

Coleen, travel agent in Texas, May 2011

De la mano de la simpatía, la cordialidad y la inteligencia  de Laurence, en la primavera del 2010 pude concretar un sueño largamente acariciado: Conocer esas "joyitas" que son los pueblos recónditos del Luberon.


Maravllosa  e inolvidable experiencia  que despertó en mi el deseo y la esperanza  de realizar otros viajes, guiada por el conocimiento,  la afabilidad y el profesionalismo de tan excepcional guìa.Muchas gracias Laurence!


                                                                                                                                     Elda de Buenos Aires



Dear Laurence,

We had a great 2 days in Paris but to be honest we were shell shocked after the serenity of Lacoste.  We have never been so relaxed as we were for that week.  You provided such comfort and knowledge about the beautiful areas in which we traveled.  It is something we will never forget.  Thank you so much for all you did for us and the patience you showed as we moved along very slowly.  At least no one fell and we did get to see so much.  You went over and above in the service you provided for us.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Sharon, from Savannah, Georgia, Oct 2010



Bonjour Laurence!  Cindy ("Sabine") and I thank you for sharing with us a bit of your extensive knowledge of all things French.  It was a real pleasure to meet you.  Until we meet again -- a bientot.    ---

Cindy and Jeff, NYC, Oct. 2010



Bonjour Laurence -

Marsha and I wanted to echo what Isaac and Jeff have written to you.  It was a real pleasure to meet you and spend a few days with you.  You made our trip to Provence so much more enjoyable.  You are extremely knowledgable and are fun to be around.  I know that you got us to see places and do things we could not have done on our own.  Those were much appreciated.  I know it was difficult for you sometimes to deal with 10 people.  All in all, having you as a guide to Provence clearly enhanced the experience.  Needless to say, if anybody I know asks, I will recommend you.   

Again, thanks.  A bientot,

David, USA, Oct 2010



Bonjour, Laurence!

Thank you once again for your wonderful guidance during our visit to Provence.  You made the trip so meaningful, with historical details and background that helped us to understand what we were experiencing.  Your patience and understanding showed us that you are a true professional.

Thanks once again, and we wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

With affection,

Robin and Bruce, USA, Oct 2010



As we have already told our travel agent, you are an exceptional guide.  We would delight in seeing more of Provence when circumstances permit and in seeing more of it with you.  Some how you manage the difficult modern challenge of being a professional woman and still one who guards the traditions of culture and family that women have protected for generations. Both of us respect that.

John and Jeanne, Chicago, Oct 2010



I contracted Laurence as the guide for a painting workshop I organized. (August 29 - September 5, 2010)  After speaking on the phone and emailing over 6+ months, we collaborated and came up with a wonderful 3-day program (with an additional impromptu day.)  She was everything you would not only want in a guide, but also in a genuine, intelligent and warm person.  The group all felt the same way. I feel privileged to have met her and hope to continue a personal and professional relationship.

I would give her a "10" in all the categories. I can't applaud her enough for contributing to the success of this trip.


Ellen Greenberg





Many thanks for a wonderful 2 days of touring your beautiful Provence.  For me, it was the highlight of our trip.  

We visited the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam and it was a delight to see the paintings through fresh eyes - to have visited

Arles and St. Remy with you and to have stood at the places he painted.  And our shopping stops with you were the best ever!

Everyone loves the lavender, and of course, I am sorry I didn't buy more.

Many thanks and best wishes,


Steve, Sheila and Norman from Washington DC, Aug 2010




Our trip home was fine and connection was easy, as you predicted.

Thanks for a wonderful trip. Seeing France through your eyes presents a very nice view. Cannot wait to return.

Best to you,

Peter , from USA, Aug 2010



Francee and I want to thank you for a memorable day

We can't wait to return and to visit more of your beautiful world

Best of health and success

Francee and Alan, from NYC, July 2010



Dear Laurence:

What a pleasure to  meet you and spend our delightful day together, we all agree that it was perfect.  We wanted to thank you again for all your careful driving, interesting educational information and your thoughtful and considerate nature.  The day was so much more than we could ever have imagined and Carcassonne is a real jewel.  Everything turned out wonderful, our lunch, our walking tour and the amazing castle.  Your tips are so helpful that we know we will be able to see some very unusual and unknown places we might have missed due to your considerable knowledge.  

Michelle from USA, July 2010



En el mes de mayo de 2010 hice mi quinto viaje a Francia pero esta vez no fui a París, quería conocer la Provenza profunda. Así conocí, por intermedio de una amiga, a Laurence gracias a quien logré mi deseo de visitar a lugares, diría no convencionales, sino los pequeños pueblos del sur de Francia, luminosos, bellos, tranquilos, con el sello del terruño.


Debo decir que la experiencia fue por demás gratificante y rica, gratificante por la amabilidad del entorno y rica por la generosidad en todo sentido de “mi guía”. Sólo deseo repetir el viaje, pues aunque conocí mucho, mucho y maravilloso queda aún por ver.


Marta, de Argentina



Dear Laurence,

Now that my head is finally clearing a bit, I am starting to think of my great journey in France.  I believe my time in Provence was my favorite of the three locations which we visited.  Our time with you was so great - thank you for your time and proffessionalism.  We really enjoyed being with you and learning about the history and culture of Provence.  I will most definately be coming back some day with my husband and son.

Teresa, USA, April 2010



Bonjour Laurence.  Peter and Larry thoroughly enjoyed your walking tour of Arles yesterday. Thank you so much for squeezing them into your busy Christmas week.  They said you were very knowledgeable, and of course the weather turned out to be ideal.  Both of them came home with some wonderful photos.  Merci et bonne annee!

Patricia, from USA, Dec 2009



Bonjour Laurence,

Lawrence and I, and even Phillip, truly enjoyed our time with you, touring the various parts of Provence and seeing so much that is different for us.  I particularly enjoyed getting to know you and the glimpses of French life you offered.  Lawrence is still talking about the Pont du Gard to anyone who will listen.  That was truly spectacular.  

My pottery arrived from Arles even before I got home - all in one piece and spectacular. Thank you for taking me to that shop.

If we should get back to Provence I'll be sure to call you, and will definitely recommend you to any friends who are visiting.  If you should find yourself in Florida, do give me a call.  

Take care.

Best wishes,

Tracey, from Florida, Nov. 2009



Dear Laurence,

What a pleasure it was to spend our time in Provence with you.  You are a delight and I look forward to spending a “girl’s” day shopping with you

During our next trip.

Of course the warm weather would have made a more perfect trip although we couldn’t have asked for anything more.  We loved the shopping, the markets, the food… And your company. (as well as the historical sites, too)

Be well,

Thank you,

Shelley, USA, October 2009



Hi Laurence, Hope you are well. I have been meaning to write to you to say thank you and since I returned, things have been so hectic. In any case, I did want to thank you so very much for your great guiding services. We really enjoyed the time we spent with you, and what's even more important, my kids were also so satisfied. I would say that's a real vote of confidence since kids that age are difficult to please. Everything was great and all your choices of where to go and where to eat, what to see and do were perfect. We just wish we had another day or two.

Carla, USA

August 2009



Dear Laurence,

The rest of the trip continued to be as informative and enjoyable as the beginning and Ed and I had a wonderful time.  Thank you again for your wonderful tours.  You certainly gave us a wonderful history lesson and sightseeing tour of the region.  We definitely liked Avignon better than Montpellier.  I loved the charm of the former.

Carol and Ed, from California

May 2009



Viajé sola a Francia en julio de 2008 a fin de conocer Provence y participar unos días del Festival de Teatro de Avignon.

Con las sugerencias brindadas por Laurence pude planificar un viaje cultural, ameno y muy enriquecedor.

Además de su profesionalismo como guía, destaco su generosidad en cada recomendación y en su interés por satisfacer todas mis inquietudes.

Fue una hermosa y estimulante experiencia!


Marcela, de Buenos Aires



Van Gogh à Arles

L’ouverture à Arles de la Fondation Van Gogh a comblé l'absence d'un lieu dédié au peintre qui a séjourné à Arles en 1888 et 1889.


Lire la suite...

Carrières de Lumières

 Un artiste dont l'oeuvre se prête si bien à ce support tellement original. Les animations,  agrandissements de détails et une musique soigneusement choisie donnent une autre dimension à son univers surréaliste.  

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Provence Exclusive

Tél.: +33.(0)

84000 Avignon

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